University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) Season 87 Chess Championship High School Boys Stage 1: Round 1-5

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Formazione squadra con risultato individuale

  1. FEU (EloDS:1992, Cls1: 8 / Cls2: 14)
1CANTELA, Oscar JosephPHI52325701½113,5416021738221,710,294011,6
2VELARDE, Jerish JohnPHI521788111½13,541505164121,51,67-0,1740-6,8
3ANDES, Franklin LoydPHI5232589101215671367100,74-0,7440-29,6
4ADENA, Lemmuel JayPHI52391411113314001800000,000,00400
5ACMNARZABAL, JoemelPHI5261791112216092409221,260,744029,6
6AFMABELEDA, Ritchie JamesPHI524714411116070110,910,09403,6
  2. UST (EloDS:1733, Cls1: 6 / Cls2: 8)
1ONCITA, Sumer JustinePHI5265142101217571557100,08-0,0840-3,2
2CLARITO, Karlycris Jr.PHI5220467½½½1,5317291596210,500,504020
3BORCE, John CyrusPHI526165111115990110,730,274010,8
4RIVERA, Jian CarloPHI5259525½112,5315711578110,260,744029,6
5DABLEO, Jude AngeloPHI523278301121671147110
6BALBABOCO, Marlon Aurellano JrPHI526714511114000000,000,00400
  3. ADMU (EloDS:1568, Cls1: 4 / Cls2: 4,5)
1MEJIA, Aida LucasPHI½00,522000180720,5
3CARO, Jose PioPHI525917700114000000,000,00400
4AFMCO, Ronell JosePHI5262267½011,5315671301100,09-0,0940-3,6
5GUTIERREZ, Luis GabrielPHI5267390½011,5315011234100,38-0,3840-15,2
6AFMFUA, Marc JustinnPHI1151115460011316651407200,60-0,6040-24
  4. AdU (EloDS:1450, Cls1: 4 / Cls2: 4)
2DOLFO, Allan RafaelPHI5274265100131787166231
3BANDEJAS, Raemund ZabdielPHI5298512½00,521711151820,5
4ACOSTA, Jonver RodgePHI½½0131754162931
5BAUTISTA, Jian CedrikPHI5210331451001316951570311,12-0,1240-4,8
6BAYANI, Bryce ClarencePHI5259134½0,511734010,5
  5. DLSZ (EloDS:1522, Cls1: 2 / Cls2: 1,5)
1TABERNILLA, Tyrhone JamesPHI525443401½1,531738160520,50,95-0,4540-18
2VINLUAN, James KarlPHI00003171991930
3NAVARRO, Nathan JosephPHI527646200003164471120
4CAGUIAT, Gian Marco RodriguezPHI5210128810002177597520
6EDRALIN, Santino EmmanuelPHI0011491010